
The Bible states: “men should always pray and never give up (Luke 18:1 NLT). It also instructs us to “pray one for another (James 5:16).

This page is dedicated to the ministry of prayer and the publishing of victories. If there is something that you would like prayer for, post it here. Now for the sake of privacy, please don’t mention personal information or anything that may cause embarrassment to anyone.

We are here to aid in the area of prayer…God is into the details. However, if it is necessary for a private response, you can email us at

Likewise, if you have received the answer to prayer, please post that as well so we all can rejoice with you!

Faith1st Ministries Related Prayer Requests

  • Faith1st Global Reach – Pray that Faith1st will reach every person that God intends without fail.
  • The physical health and stability of Sebastian, Jill and their entire family.
  • The release of everyone called to assist in this ministry…to follow God without fear.
  • The release of the finances, materials, resources, and buildings necessary for the work of this ministry.

Strength/Healing/Breakthrough List

  • Joseph Lopes – Recovery
  • Guy W & Family – Healing & provision
  • Ron & Rachel – Peace and provision
  • Tami & family – Strength & deliverance
  • Ellie & Dave – Strength & Encouragement
  • Pastor Reji & Ministry in India – Direction and provision
  • Anne & Family – Healing, Peace, Strength & Encouragement
  • Roger W. – Health & Healing
  • Ellie & Family – God’s guidance, provision, and peace
  • James – Protection, Guidance and strength
  • Pastor Saeed Abedini & Family

Father, I lift every prayer and concern before you. You said in your Word that we are to come to your throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need! Father, I pray for every need that is represented here and declare that your will be done in every situation. We stand against all sickness and disease. Father, we ask you to break the power of the enemy in these lives and situations; save, heal, set free, strengthen, encourage, open doors, restore relationships, show the way, and help us to serve you better. We thank you for these things in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen!

53 comments on “Prayer/Victories
  1. Melissa Smith says:

    Need prayer to overcome fear and prayer that doctor visit will be positive.


    • Sebastian says:

      Hi Melissa! Thank you for giving me a chance to stand with you in this matter. You are not alone and you have no need to fear. Fear does not come from God and it is counter-productive to the “positive” report you are believing for.

      Father, I thank you for your presence in my sister and for the healing that is taking place in her body now. May she rest in your presence with faith that all things are possible to those who believe. Thank you…Amen!


      • Melissa Smith says:

        Thank you Pastor Weaver for your words of encouragement and your prayer of strength and faith. The presence of the Almighty God is here and I am victorious and healed. God bless you Pastor.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sebastian says:

        You’re very welcome Melissa and thank you as well! YES, you are VICTORIOUS and HEALED!!! I am expecting to hear a good report from you soon! Blessings!


  2. whenquiet says:

    I am a witness to God’s unwavering strength and grace. God bless you Brother Sebastian, for keeping me in your prayers.


    • Sebastian says:

      Hello Sis and you’re welcome! I know my responses have been slow but I am still praying and believing God for you and your family! Blessings!


      • whenquiet says:

        Thank you Brorher Sebastian. Our daughter is working again. She is her own boss in charge of a shop in Basel, Switzerland. Prayer is awesome because God is omnipotent. Thank you for keeping my family and me in your prayers. God bless!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sebastian says:

        You’re welcome! That is so wonderful to hear and I rejoice with you! Keep me posted. Blessings!


  3. LISA HASH says:

    Please pray & agree with me for myself and son to be reunited in Jesus’ powerful name, above all names! IT IS FINISHED!! AMEN!!


    • Sebastian says:

      Although I apologize for this late response, please know that God hears your heart and knows your faith. I unite my faith with yours in Jesus’ name…Amen!!


  4. swe says:

    Please JESUS forgive me. Have mercy on me and grant me a miracle. I
    need you .i love you


    • Sebastian says:

      The Bible declares: “it is because of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed.” He loves us and hears our cries! May the Grace of God grant you peace and meet you at the point of your need…in Jesus’ Name…Amen!


  5. Nicholas says:

    Please pray to our heavenly Father that God will bring me into my next prosperity level with a quickening spirit.

    God bless you!



    • Sebastian says:

      Hi Nicholas!

      It is our Father’s will that His children walk in whole-life prosperity…

      Father, I agree with your Word as I link my faith with Nicholas’. I bind every ungodly thing that is holding him from reaching every Godly goal he has set and has yet to reach.
      Bring him into greater revelation and understanding of your Word. May every need be met and may he be a shining example of your Grace and Glory for all to see!

      Thank you and Amen!


  6. tarsha says:

    Please pray for my family….pray for Anthony and Tarsha…thank you so much!


    • Sebastian says:

      Hello Tarsha! Please know you and your family are in our prayers. I did place you and Anthony on the Prayer List and have been in prayer for deliverance and restoration in your home!May God’s Grace be upon you all!


  7. Bonnie says:

    I am asking for prayer for my 19 year old son Nathan, and also the drowning young man’s family.My son was on a mission trip in Nicaragua last week and there was a swimming accident. The current was too swift and my son had to let the other person go.He is still feeling guilty and sees his friends face as he went under the water. This comes on the heels of the death of my husband, Nathan’s father. Also,the city wants to tear down our home due to code violations.The city does not want to work with me on a solution to fixing my problems. Please pray for my home to be saved.I don’t want to end up homeless. I know and trust God for peace.Thank you for praying.I am getting weary.


    • Sebastian says:

      Bonnie, I want you know that although people, (myself included), may not be able or willing to respond to your need when and the way you may need…God always hear your heart’s cry! Believing that God has heard your prayer, I will now do my part as a Believer and a Minister of the Gospel.

      Father, I now stand before you to intercede on behalf of my sister, her son, and the family of the young man who perished. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I declare victory in this situation on all sides! I declare that no weapon that is formed against these people shall proper. I declare that every day, in every way, they will abound above every circumstance that seek to bind them and hold them captive to circumstances beyond their control.

      Father, you know Nathan, you know his heart and his intent. I break the spirit of grief, and the power of the burden of responsibility in this case. Let Nathan know that you love him and gave Jesus to bear our burdens and griefs, so we won’t have to. Give peace to the young man’s family and let them know that you love them as well. Wrap them in your loving arms and give the the comfort that only you can give.

      For my sister Bonnie, who is trying to hold a lot of things together, allow the very Spirit of Breakthrough to move on her behalf. I speak against stress, depression, loneliness, helplessness, and frustration…LEAVE MY SISTER NOW…IN JESUS’ NAME!!! Father, help my sister to see your working in all aspects of her life and give her peace as she seeks to stand in difficult times and be an intercessor for others!

      Finally, I break the power of the enemy in this matter. I speak peace to their mind, hearts and spirits…in the Name of Jesus…Amen!


  8. Prayer Request for World Peace Now – I pray for world peace to be fully realized now, and for this peace to last forever after, and I ask for all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


  9. Sebastian says:

    It’s no problem Anne! Love you both!


  10. Freedomborn says:

    Hi Sebastian I would value your prayers, my Mum phoned to let me know my Brother is in hospital fighting for his life, his kidneys are failing and our little furry friend Monty is also very sick and in a animal hospital, all in one day, I commented a few times but it is hard to focus, I should do a Post and ask for prayer but I’m feeling a bit lost, please pray I’m very worried, Alfred is not a Christian but I hope he remembers what we have shared with him over the years even if he rejected it at the time.

    My little Monty was so scared when we left him with the Vet, he is so gentle and loving, he just did not understand.

    Thanks, I have asked some others to pray too – Christian Love Anne


    • Sebastian says:

      Hi Anne!
      We are currently praying for you, your brother, and your family! I pray the grace, peace, and healing power of our Father be with and upon you and your family during this time. May you all find strength and comfort in the power of God to turn difficult times and circumstances around. I pray this in Jesus’ name! Amen!


      • Thank you dear Sebastian and please thank those who are being faithful in seeking the Lord in Prayer with you, for all those in need. What a wonderful idea this page is, we do indeed each other in the Body of Christ.

        I have often thought of doing the same and also of having a Church on the Blog but Ron cannot help me at this time because of his other commitments and a Man is needed to be in Authority even with a Blog Church. I can indeed share God’s Truth, even correct error, warn and rebuke in Love and for Love but Men are to be in Leadership in the Church, under God’s Authority, although as woman we are needed to help them in this role, which is shown clearly in the Scriptures.

        Freedomborn Blog –

        If you read the answers to your Prayers on our Blog ( link above ) I’m sure I will hear your rejoicing from here but to condense both Alfred and Monty Lived – How Awesome is our God, how very Loving.

        Thank you so very much and God bless you all for your Faithfulness.

        Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


      • Sebastian says:

        You’re welcome Anne…all I can say is Hallelujah! Our God is AWESOME! We may pray out of need or necessity, but we should never pray without expectation. We all rejoice with you in thanksgiving to our most Loving Father and Lord!

        Be Blessed!


  11. Dear Sebastian, I have a request to assist one of my followers who is struggling big time with despair. I don’t want satan to win this battle!!! You’ll see what I mean when you read the comments on my post, “Be Kind To One Another, Including You”. I realize you are extremely busy but I am hoping you will have a moment to add some kind words of wisdom to encourage for this dear woman whom I care about. Thank you so much!


    • Sebastian says:

      Hello Ellie! I apologize for the delay…I will be checking in very soon! Thank you for being a “friend” to her and I’m linking with you in faith even now for her complete deliverance from this awful spirit! Blessings to you!


  12. momwhearingloss says:

    Sebastian – Please pray for my sister-in-law Sandra as she fights a very aggressive form of leukemia – as well please pray for my brother Kev as he is trying to be so very strong as he comforts his wife..


    • Sebastian says:

      Hello, thank you for trusting us to pray for Sandra’s healing and Kev’s strength! I have placed their name on the prayer list. Now let’s believe! Blessings!


      • momwhearingloss says:

        Thank you – I believe so strongly in prayer..


      • Sebastian says:

        You’re welcome! Look to hear more from me soon! God bless!


      • Roan says:

        My husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in April. He has undergone chemo and radiation therapy. Through this, he has found a true relationship with our Lord Jesus and not just a mental knowledge. For that I am thankful. God has had him in the palm of his hand and he has tolerated this treatment with little side effects although this has not been easy. His last PET scan showed no hot spots or active cancer but it is still recommended that he have surgery to remove his esophagus. He is scared to death despite his faith and prayers.

        Our hope is that God would perform a healing miracle so that the surgery and life style change would not be necessary. If he should allow this surgery to be performed, we are standing in faith that all will be well and he will be cured. My husband is 58. Due to this disease, my husband was forced to retire; thankfully, he has been approved for disability. These payments will not begin until December and we have taken measures to reduce our financial load.

        So far, God has blessed us and provided but by my eyes and finite mind, this money will not last past another month or two. I feel maybe it would be best to sell our house, horses, and goats and downsize to a more affordable dwelling which requires less upkeep, time, and would allow us more financial stability.

        I have a high pressure job but thankfully, understanding cohorts have been supportive and tolerant of my absences when necessary. The pressure I feel at this time is overwhelming and I feel myself succumbing at times into a place of just let me hide in a corner and let the world leave me alone. I have asked Jesus to guide me, strengthen me and show me the best course of action and to bless that action and give me the strength to do what I need to do. Please God, help us. In Jesus name.


      • Sebastian says:

        Hello and thank you for contacting us and allowing us to stand with you during this time. I believe God’s Word has an answer and direction for everything we face in life…whether sickness & disease, financial, or family related…we can trust God and His Word to bring us through and even turn things around. I have some things I would like to share with you so look for an email from me real soon. I am placing you all on this Prayer List and we will be praying for you, your husband, and your family! Blessings to you!

        Father, I lift this family up before you right now! You have declared in your Word that You are our healer and that Jesus bore our sicknesses in His body. Therefore, on the authority of Your Word, I speak peace into their lives; and healing into his body…in Jesus’ Name…Amen!


  13. Pastorreji says:

    Dear Pastor Sebastian, We have to find another door for our ministry since next year. Please pray with us to open a new door for His ministry in north India. Let us do a good work in Jesus ! God bless !


    • Sebastian says:

      Hello Pastor! Please know that I am standing with you and your ministry to be and do everything the Lord has for you. Look for a personal reply from me via email! God bless you in your ministry!


  14. Anonymous says:

    please pray for my husband Eleazeri Chatsiwa he ran away from since 14/09/2012 i need back in the name of Jesus. We have been married for the past 18years. These are plans to break my marrieage with his sisters and brothers. last time i discovered that then were having an affair with my cousin who is 23 years my husband is 48years and I am 43years my son is 17years please pray for us .F.Ngwanga


  15. Pat says:

    Dear Sebastian,thank you so very much for your prayers,earlier this morning 8/2/12 Stella’s sugar was all over the place and couldn’t be still. She told her daughter that she died,but they got her back.I heard a few minutes ago that she’s doing so much better.The doctors made major mistakes. Thank you so very much for your encouragement and prayers my dear brother,and I prayed for everyone on the list. God is truly in total control,no matter what it looks like.


    • Sebastian says:

      Hi Pat! You are welcome. Thank you for your prayers as well! I believe that God desires and commands us to pray and intercede on behalf of others. We believe for Stella’s healing and deliverance. Thank you again for your love and obedience!


  16. Good morning my brother.

    Just checking in on ya.

    I do agree with your comment above in thanking God for the victory, for truly we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. We are victorius.

    God bless and I love ya my brother.



  17. Tammy Link says:

    Please pray for me to be free of this anxiety and depression that has a stronghold over me.


    • Sebastian says:

      Hello my sister! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to join with you in this fight over that which would keep you bound!

      Father in Jesus’ name, I link my faith with my sister’s and claim victory over this spirit that is trying to control her. Your Word tells us to be anxious for nothing; it tells us to cast all of our cares, anxieties, or worries on you. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, I bind the principality that controls the demonic forces of fear, anxiety, worry, and depression…I command it to leave my sister, her family, her home, and the places she frequents now, in the name of Jesus!! Thank you Lord, for the VICTORY NOW!!! Amen!


    • Didik says:

      to do; we called on the elrdes of the church and we prayed and believed that God was going to move. God chose not to move that way, and we were faced with surgery. The surgery itself was scary enough. I mean come on, brain surgery. The side-effects were enough to make the most faithful person go screaming into the night. He would be faced with possible blindness, diabetes insipidus, and a host of hormonal problems for the rest of his life. We trusted in God but yet, at the same time, we would find ourselves scared at times and wondering where is God. Finally, surgery came and after four long, long, long hours I was able to meet with the doctor who preformed the surgery. What I heard next was, well, quite frankly unbelievable. The doctor was able to get all of the tumor (it was the size of a golf ball). The tumor was not cancerous. The pituitary gland was saved (which we were told was not possible), and like icing on the cake, it was working and producing hormones (which it was supposedly never to do again). My husband’s sight was fully intact and he was seeing better then ever. None of these things were supposed to happen, but with the Master Physician guiding a human surgeon’s hands, they did. My husband is still recuperating, but only a week after surgery we were back in church praising God and he was up on the platform leading service again. God chose not to answer our prayers our way, but His way. Would I have loved for God to have healed him outright, with the touch of His hand? You bet. But He saw and wanted it done His way. God’s way is always best, and He knows best. If we would just leave it in His hands all would be best. We praise God for His goodness and all that He has done for us. Thank you to everyone who prayed, and who is continuing to pray for Bro. Joe.


  18. Sebastian says:

    Father, I lift my brother and his family up during this time of extreme difficulty. I know you have all the details as well as the answers, Father cover them in your loving arms and comfort them by your Spirit.

    May the very spirit of peace overshadow each of them and let know that you are there…even now! You promised in your Word that you will never leave of forsake us…remind them of that at this time!

    Thank you Father for your love and grace that we can count on every day of our lives. For there is none like you! Thank you for the victory–even now!

    In Jesus’ Name!!!



  19. I ask for Believers to please pray for my church family in the area of Unity. For two years we have zig-zagged from OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT AND REVIVAL…the kind of Revival that has alters full of prayers of praise, worship, rededication, and repentance….Grown men openly crying on their knees with their families……..THEN…..SPIRITUAL WARFARE RAMPANTLY ATTACKS….which is always a sign that God is moving and His people are seeking His face. The Enemy hates us because God loves us so……what better way to hurt someone you hate than to hurt Their Child? This is happening right now in my church family I urgently seek prayers from all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ for the fortitude needed to stay out of the “drama” that is born out of this turmoil and chaos. In Jesus’ Name I claim His promises.

    Ephesians 6: 18 (GNT) … Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God’s people.


    • Sebastian says:

      My dear sister, I will be in prayer for the opening of the eyes and hearts of everyone involved. We must understand and not be ignorant of the tools the enemy uses to divide us!

      Any confusion is not of God and we absolutely must know that our fight is not with our brother, sister, neighbor, co-worker, or spouse, but it is with the one who is trying to stop God’s purpose in our lives.

      Father, I lift up my sister and her church to you today, asking you to heal every wound and to open the eyes and hearts of every one involved. I speak that the very spirit of love and peace descend upon each person in that congregation and the power of confusion be broken NOW…in the name of Jesus! Thank you and amen!


  20. Hi Sebastian,]

    I would like for us to touch and agree in prayer for the believer’s. We must continue to pray that they remain faithful to God and to their call to service.

    I want us to also pray for salvation of those that are spiritually lost and wondering in the wilderness.

    I believe by faith that God will hear and answer prayer. Debra


    • Sebastian says:

      Surely He does exhort us to pray! Of course I will agree with you now and as often as I remember to do so!

      Father, thank you for this privilege of prayer. I know you always hear us because you gave us this means to not only reach you but also to intercede on the behalf of others.

      I pray, along with my sister and those who are on one accord with this effort; we pray for the believer’s adherence to your will and even for the salvation of those you have called into the Kingdom.

      I bind every spirit that would seek to hinder these things from being so and loose your love, peace and grace on everyone that needs it!

      In the name of JESUS!! Thank you Lord!



    • Ahmed says:

      Matt and I have desired to have aneohtr child since we were married… we would always pray “Lord give us a child”… then add a small “if it’s your will”, which really meant.. I’m just saying that to make me SOUND like I care, but really — I want a child no matter what you have in store. After 10 miscarriages, a very humbleing experience… our prayer has changed to “We want a child – but if this is not your plan for you to fill this void somehow — then take the desire away”… We can get so caught up in what WE want and forget what GOD wants… knowing that God will never withhold anything good from us (of course forgot the verse, but I WILL find it for you) has reminded me that only HE knows what is good & right for our lives.


      • Psalm 127:3 – Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

        Habakkuk 2:3 – Then the Lord answered me and said:

        “Write the vision
        And make it plain on tablets,
        That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
        Though it tarries, wait for it;
        Because it will surely come,
        It will not tarry.

        Mark 11:24 – Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

        1 Thessalonians 5:8 – in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Begin to thank him for you baby in advance, everyday.

        Proverbs 3:5-6-Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

        6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

        If God said it, believe it! Proverbs 30:5 – Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

        Isaiah 55:11 – o shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

        God bless!


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